8 de agosto de 2007


sometimes i wonder if people with light eyes can see clearer than people with dark eyes.. Its a silly question, u may think, because the colour of eyes doesnt influde in the seing faculty. But it happens to me, that when i see a light pair of eyes, sometimes they seem to be looking through my body, through my soul and my own eyes.. They seem to be reading my mind.. Then i get used to them, and that feeling is gone. But thats the first impression.. Anyway, id like to meet a dark or a light pair of eyes that could see through me all the time.. i wish then, that the feeling would never disappear..

silly dreams? they're nothing more thant that.. just a teenager silly dreams..


...y entonces llegará el día, en que abra los ojos y me de cuenta, que todo ha sido no mas que un sueño, del que jamas hubiese querido despertar :(